Expert Witness

Expert testimony is required in most civil cases where expert witness is required when it is necessary to have opinion evidence to contribute the resolution of a dispute. Since an expert must be both knowledgeable and persuasive in particular industry, the opinion may lead to an early resolution of the dispute. Legally speaking, the criteria for an expert are shown below:


  • The witness is qualified to offer an opinion by knowledge, skill, experience, training or education;
  • The opinion will help the jury understand the evidence;
  • The opinion is based on sufficient facts;
  • The opinion is the product of reliable principles and methods; and
  • The witness reliably applies the principles and methods to the facts of the case.


In case of any dispute relating to financial risk or its malpractice, CT RISK has the experience to act as a qualified expert who provides independent expert evidence available to a court to help it understand the issues in a case. It therefore assists the court in reaching its decision with technical analysis and opinion inferred from factual evidence during the course of litigation.